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National Junior Honor Society
Monnig Middle School National Junior Honor Society: A Proud Example of MUSTANG Excellence
National Junior Honor Society students at Monnig Middle school provide leadership and community service to our school. These students are expected to maintain high averages as well as provide community services throughout the year. The criteria for National Junior Honor Society is as follows (copied from the National Junior Honor Society Website):
· Scholarship
Students must maintain an 85 or above average in each class.
· Service
This involves voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community, done without compensation.
· Leadership
Student leaders are those who are resourceful, good problem solvers, and idea contributors. Leadership experiences can be drawn from school or community activities while working with or for others.
· Character
The student of good character is cooperative; demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability; shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others; and generally maintains a clean disciplinary record.
· Citizenship
The student who demonstrates citizenship understands the importance of civic engagement; has a high regard for freedom and justice; respects the U.S. form of government; respects the law for all citizens at the local, state, and federal levels; and demonstrates mature participation and responsibility in activities such as scouting, community organizations, or school clubs.
Students must be on our campus for at least a semester to be considered. Applications are handed out in the spring semester with the expectation that the potential members will turn them in by the due date in order to prepare for Induction Ceremony.
Attention NJHS Members!
Please make sure you have joined the NJHS Google Classroom for the 2021-22 school year. All NJHS members must obtain 10 hours per year. When you complete community service, please give this link to your supervisor.
Community Service Log for 2021-22
Kristen Riggsby kristen.riggsby@fwisd.org
Kathryn Smith kathryn.smith@fwisd.org
- Dues are $30 per year and include a NJHS t-shirt.
- NJHS Members are required to obtain ten hours of community service each year.
- All NJHS members need to be a part of the NJHS Google Classroom.